Monday, November 4, 2019

american soldier

I think the attention to detail picture is the most powerful image because i shows the signature stance for the soldiers to show the respect.
The images work together to tell a story basically by showing what people go through to become a true soldier of this country.
The captions are saying in detail what they are doing at that moment so i makes people who read it feel like they are actually there.

composition part 2

Image result for a football picture with rule of thirdsthis shows rule of thirds.
Image result for a football picture with balancing elementsthis shows rule of balancing elements
Image result for a football picture with leading linesthis shows rule of leading lines.
Image result for a football jersey with patternsthis shows rule of symmetry and patterns
Image result for a football pictures with viewpointthis shows rule of viewpoint
Image result for a american football pictures with backgroundthis shows rule of background
Image result for a american football pictures with create depththis shows rule of create depth
Image result for picture with a american football player standing in front of the goal postthis shows rule of framing
Image result for a american football pictures with rule of croppingthis shows rule of cropping
Image result for a american football pictures with rule of mergingthis shows rule of merging

Friday, November 1, 2019

Mural Project Preview

1. Three things we will be taking photo's of are Dog's, Snakes, and deer's.

2.I will have to think about the sutter speed, aperture, and ISO

3. An idea to get these photo's on the internet is to get a great background aswell as great angles.

Funny Captions

 .  These are two older men, they live together possibly in a apartment and it seems as if one of the men is pulling the plug to a vacuum as a joke in order to have a laugh and what makes it funny is that the man vacuuming is trying to figure out what's wrong with the machine. The man in the blue shirt (Tom) then realized it was the other man in red (Max) who pulled the plug which didn't upset him, Tom first laughed with Max but when it was time to sleep Tom farted on Max's pillow.
                                             These is an elderly married couple that went shopping for food probably to make dinner, the lady is riding on the cart like a child would and her husband is pushing the cart to make her feel young and special again. The lady's name is Mary, the man's name is Jerry. Jerry had one job and that was to hold the cart so that Mary wouldn't crash or get hurt but Jerry had other plan's, Jerry let go of the cart while it was going down the hill and Mary crashed into a car and flew into the car.

Richard and Samantha are married, Samantha is scared of falling of that skateboard but is also having fun because she trust Richard enough to know that he won't let her fall. Richard felt like she could keep the balance on her own so he let Samantha's hand go and at that moment Samantha lost her mind and her balance, Richard couldn't help but laugh.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Great Black & White Photographers Part 3 / Part 2

 In these two photos I see perfectly formed plants of nature, I smell a sweet breeze coming off the flowers, I hear the wind blowing through the bushes that surround them, I taste pollen flowing in the air and onto my tongue as my jaw drops due to the beauty, and I feel a smooth surface like a newborn baby's skin

1) I like Annette Schreiber's photo's, what caught my eye in her photos was the black and white flower shots. I am absolutely in love with flowers or floral designs. The photo that caught my eye was a black and white flower that looked like a sunflower with their petals hanging low as if they are dying but the petals are still very healthy so i'm assuming they grew that way, but it was unique and that's what caught my eye.
Her angle was just amazing, it was timed perfectly and the sun gave her the right amount of lighting to be able to tell all the details in the sunflower.
Image result for what photographers took black and white flower photos

Image result for what photographers took black and white flower photos2) In these two photos I see perfectly formed plants of nature, I smell a sweet breeze coming off the flowers, I hear the wind blowing through the bushes that surround them, I taste pollen flowing in the air and onto my tongue as my jaw drops due to the beauty, and I feel a smooth surface like a new born baby's skin.

3) I would love to be able to shoot photo's of flowers but when anyone looks at them they can see, smell, hear, taste, and feel just by looking at the photo. I think I can do this with a blog. I love to right on paper more but I feel as if making my point on technology would get more students attention.